
GestureTek® Cube

Chris, from FlagHouse, demonstrates some of the features of this portable, durable, interactive display.

Champions Club at Toronto Celebration Church

Champions Club is a specialized program for children with special needs, held at the Toronto International Celebration Church in Toronto, Ontario, utilizing Snoezelen Multi-Sensory Environments.

How Sensory Magic Works

Here's a wonderful overview of Sensory Magic™ from our Partners in the Americas, FlagHouse.

Champions Club at Lakewood Church

Champions Club is a specially designed developmental area for kids, youth, and adults with special needs. Our goal was to develop a program that would meet the developmental needs of children in four important ways, SPIRITUALLY, INTELLECTUALLY, MENTALLY, and PHYSICALLY. FlagHouse has designed and installed more than 30 projects throughout the US and Canada. Watch…
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